Saturday, August 21, 2010

Unit 5 - Contractions


1. Contractions
Many verbs have short forms which are used particularly in spoken English. For example: "I am happy today" = "I'm happy today". The short forms of the verb "to be" are as follows:
I am = I'm
You are = You're
He is = He's
She is = She's
It is = It's
We are = We're
You are= You're
They are = They're 
Be careful not to confuse it's with its. It's means "it is", but its is a possessive form we'll study later.
2. Negative Contractions - Simple Present Verb "to be"
There are two main short forms for the negative of the verb "to be": "You are" becomes "You're not" or "you aren't". For example:
- She is not happy = She isn't happy = She's not happy.
- We are not singers = We aren't singers = We're not singers
The short forms for the negative verb "to be" are as follows:
I am not = I'm not = I amn't*
You are not = You're not = You aren't
He is not = He's not = He isn't
She is not = She's not = She isn't
It is not = It's not = It isn't
We are = We're not = We aren't
You are= You're not = You aren't
They are = They're not = They aren't

* "I am" Negative Contraction
You can say "I am not", and you can say "I'm not", but you can't say "I amn't".
3. Negative Contractions - Simple Present
Simple Present negatives contract in two ways: "do not" becomes "don't" and "does not" becomes "doesn't". For example:

- Statement: I do not like pizza = I don't like pizza.
- Questions: He does not drive a car = He doesn't drive a car.
And just in case you need it, here's a table of Simple Present contractions.
I do not = I don't
You do not = You don't
He does not = He doesn't
She does not = She doesn't
It does not = It doesn't
We do not = We don't
You do not = You don't
They do not = They don't

Now give some exercises a try!

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